Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lurb you 4ever


Lurb you 4ever


在此刻。。。我的心变得好疼好疼。。。那种无法说出来的疼。。。可是。。。为什么我跟小慧都得不到自己喜欢的人的心?? 现在我觉得我是世界上最最最失败的人了。。。当我知道你喜欢的人是谁后。。。我后悔了。。。我宁愿你不让我知道。。就这样让我默默的爱着你。。也许。。我该祝福你吧??可是。。爱情不是自私的吗?? 我的心碎了。。。彻彻底底的碎了。。。虽然可以随着时间补回。。。。可是。。还是会留着伤痕。。。现在就让我告诉你。。。


Friday, February 27, 2009

heart broken T.T

today my heart is broken~ it was 23/2/09 me and my fren went to look for him and have his phone number, i use my book to let him write but in the book i wrote something very secret.... then his fren saw then he also saw what i wrote inside~ and then when he come out from the class he said let's be frens then he said coz i already like someone.... when i heard him say like that i almost cry infront of him... then my fren take me go bck to class..... when i went into the class i started crying... my heart was really crush....T.T